Application of high pressure fan on suction machine

2019-07-04 17:45
As a vacuum power source, the high-pressure fan generates a vacuum, so that the material enters the cyclone as the suction pipe falls into the hopper, and the air is filtered through the filter and discharged from the fan exhaust port.
Suction machine
1. The fan must be installed with a filter and clean the foreign matter in the filter in time to prevent the filter from being blocked and affecting the loading;
2. During the use of the fan, the appropriate pressure relief valve should be installed according to the situation to prevent the filter and pipeline from being blocked and overload the fan;
3. The appropriate pipeline should be installed, and the pipeline should not be shrunk by more than two-thirds. It is best to install or enlarge the pipeline with the inlet and outlet of the fan;
4. During the use of the fan, pay attention to the heat dissipation and ventilation of the fan;
5. After the customer installs the fan, ask the customer to measure whether the fan operating current is running within the rated current.

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